The governing body imposes it’s members to pay a certain amount of money each month with resolutions, which is a membership fee. The governing body is misleading members by failing to inform them that money resolutions are a beggar’s invention that is supposed to be repulsive to Jehovah’s witnesses. Money resolutions are negative social control and inflict peer pressure, feelings of obligation, and guilt and shame on members if they do not pay money. It costs money to be a Jehovah’s witness through imposed resolutions. The governing body has been exposed in lies. 5:10-5:20 in this link on
The two pictures below show Jehovah’s witnesses boundless greed for money, when they with fear impose Jehovah’s witnesses in a refugee camp to pay money. 1 Timothy 6:10, 11 Video: Commit Your Way to Jehovah – part 2. Click on the first photo and see for yourself. Show from 40:26 – 40:33.

Letters below is instructions for Jehovah’s witnesses to pay money by resolutions.
2023. August, pdf-file. Page 1, no 6; page 3, no 4.
2021. August, pdf-file. Page 1, no 4, 5; bottom page 2, FOR SECRETARIES, no 1; page 4, no 3.
2014. March 29, pdf-file. From page 2.
Click on the text and read the lie and hypocrisy from Jehovah’s witnesses when they claim that “It Will Never Beg nor Petition Men for Support”. Jehovah’s witnesses has begged it’s member for money for several years. Please feel free to order a hard copy of the book: God’s Kingdom Rules! and read chapter 18, par 7, 8. The book is free of charge. Jehovah’s witnesses goes beyond what is written, when they demand that the members pay money via resolutions, when this is referred to as a beggar’s invention in jw literature. 1 Corinthians 4:6 Jesus did not impose his followers to pay a certain amount of money each month, so he could complete the preaching work? Jehovah’s witnesses governing body’s various begging inventions for money is unacceptable to Jehovah and Jesus and does not bring their blessings either upon the givers or the work accomplished.”) When the governing body beg its members for money with resolutions, they show everyone that they are not true Christians and not led by God. 1 Timothy 6:9-11
Jehovah’s witnesses have a hidden economy in a large stock portfolio in among other things in weapon and sex, Read Jehovah’s witnesses’ stock portfolio in this link. (Scroll almost to the bottom of the page until you see the photo above. Can You Trust Religion Regarding Money?
Contact Jehovah’s witnesses headquarters and ask for a free bible course in their elders book: – Shepherd the flock of God.