Photo above: – Outside Oslo District Court, Norway.
UPDATE! Jehovah’s witnesses’ appeal against the Department of Children and Family Affairs will be heard in the Borgarting Court of Appeal at 9 a.m., Monday, February 3 – Friday, February 14, 2025.
Jehovah’s witnesses will change their doctrines in exchange for state funding. This means that Jehovah’s witnesses’ faith is for sale. Jehovah’s witnesses are not servants of God. 1 Timothy 6:9-11 (verse 11.) These changes are not so-called new light from Jehovah, but commands of men from the governing body in exchange for state money.
Do you see that Jehovah’s witnesses are a false religion and should not gain state fundings or any benefits anywhere on earth? No taxpayer money should fund false religion in any country.
March 4, 2024. Conclusion of judgment in Oslo District Court. Jehovah’s witnesses lost the case against the State Administrator. Jehovah’s witnesses must pay NOK 1,140,505 in legal costs. (Approx USD 109,000) Total cost sow far for Jehovah’s witnesses court case is NOK 1,381,756 (About 129,000 US Dollars) Read a letter from Trond Jacobsen in Norway to Jehovah’s witnesses governing body in this link on jwpsa about how the governing body will pay for the court case.
March 28 2024. Jehovah’s witnesses appeal the verdict from the Oslo District Court. Jehovah’s witnesses is lying when they claim to live by complete godly devotion when they await the outcome of the appeal. Jehovah’s witnesses assume the role of victim. 1 Timothy 2:1, 2 Question: Is it complete godliness and sincerity of Jehovah’s witnesses to make money from war, sex, entertainment, pharma, social media, etc., to address children as enemies of God, to teach falsely about their overlapping 1914 generation, use a picture of the porn star Pascale Petit in the paradise book? Read more about the revelations of Jehovah’s witnesses on
Jehovah’s witnesses are often exposed as liars, and therefore show that they have satan as their God. John 8:44 Revelation 21:8 Jehovah’s witnesses does not know that Jehovah hates liars. Proverbs 6:16-19 Jehovah’s witnesses show by their lies that they are part of satan’s world.

Click on the photo and hear David Splane confirms that Jehovah’s witnesses have satan as their God.

Click on the photo and hear Gajus Glockentin.
Geoffrey William Jackson in Jehovah’s witnesses governing body lied under oath to the Royal Commission Hearing in Australia and will have the same future as satan and the others mentioned in these verses. John 8:44 Revelation 21:8