The receipt in this pdf file from Lobbyist Officer Michael Denkensohn proves that Jehovah’s vitnesses governing body used USD 59,880 on lobbying. The governing body are caught red-handed in lies, hypocrisy and false teaching about their neutrality in satans world. They claim in this article from that they do not lobby. The receipt proves they are lying. Jehovah’s witnesses are politically active in satan’s world.
This proves that there is corruption between Jehovah’s witnesses and politicians. Jehovah’s witnesses are therefore not the only true religion, not led by God, jw are no Gods spokes persons. Question this in writing to the governing body and take notice of what they answer in writing.
Lobbying is a form of corruption for the purpose of influencing politicians to make decisions that should not be made. Jehovah’s witnesses governing body show themselves to be active and engaged in politics when they do lobby. They therefore do not follow what Jesus said in John 17:16 but is part of satan’s world. Matthew 7:15, 20 Jehovah’s witnesses governing body are involved in politics as other religions. Lobbying is also abuse of members donated money.
People are tired of corrupt politicians and corrupt religious leaders like Jehovah’s witnesses governing body when envolve themself in politics via lobbying. It is not wisdom to blindly trust others, no matter who they are. Jehovah’s witnesses don’t get tired of corrupt politicians when they lobby. Matthew 7:15, 20
There should be an investigation about what else and how Jehovah’s witnesses use corrupt politicians for to obtain their material goals?
Would Jehovah and Jesus Christ spend close to 60,000 US Dollar to influence politicians in satan’s world? The governing body are therefore caught red-handed in hypocrisy, lying, and engaging in politics. How much money does the governing body actually use on lobby? The governing body and the elders is not led by God (Jehovah).
Jehovah, Jesus and satan are watching you governing body members and each elders 24/7.
Contact Jehovah’s witnesses.