Anyone who can are invited to write physical letters to Jehovah’s witnesses and ask for written Bible-based answers to the questions you see at Write one letter for each question and send the letters at the same time on the same day.
You should also ask for answers to these two questions:
(1) Is Jehovah’s witnesses’ letter-writing campaign to the Russian Government in 2017, the real reason why Jehovah’s witness’ are banned in Russia?
(2) Would Jehovah and Jesus Christ do letter-writing campaigns to any government in satan’s world?
Request bible-based written answers from Jehovah’s witnesses. John 18:23 1 Peter 3:15
In this link you will see that Jehovah’s witnesses enjoy letter writing campaigns and the governing body encourages its members to participate. Jehovah’s witnesses enjoy letter-writing campaigns and should looking forward to receiving thousands of letters with questions from readers of – John 18:23 1 Peter 3:15
Jehovah’s witnesses: – Earth’s most fragile belief system. Any jw member who question Jehovah’s witness’ teachings is silenced by the governing body and the elders. They get excluded and shunned. Everyone who can is invited to write physical letters to Jehovah’s witnesses about what you read on and about your own questions. The spiritual qualifications of Jehovah’s witnesses’ governing body and the elders are questioned. Please send one question in each letter. Mail all letters to Jehovah’s witnesses the same day. Please invite others to do the same.
If Jehovah’s witness’ ore anybody else mean that what is written on this page is wrong, bear witness about the wrong. John 18:23 1 Peter 3:15
Contact Jehovah’s witnesses.