Jehovah’s witnesses and Hitler honor the same hand sign – Triangle, politicians and others and show their fellowship with them and what the hand sign stands for. Jehovah’s witnesses governing body and the elders show that they are not led by God. Jehovah’s witnesses are part of satans world and Illuminati, due to their use of hand signs. Matthew 23:33
What does the Illuminati triangle hand sign mean?

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Click on the photo above and see for yourself.

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Jehovah demands that his people separate themselves from satan’s world. 2 Corinthians 6:17 Jehovah’s witnesses do not live up to the Bible’s standard of true worship and are not led by God. Matthew 7:15, 20 Jehovah’s witnesses do not base their faith and their entire teaching on the Word of God. Jehovah’s witnesses governing body and the elders spiritual qualifications are questioned. Jehovah’s witnesses are not from God, does not remain in the teaching of the Christ and are not united with God. John 8:47 2 John 9 Jehovah’s witnesses have been exposed in lies, hypocrisy and false teaching. Contact Jehovah’s witnesses and ask for a written Bible-based explanation.
Jehovah’s witnesses show that they are part of the Illuminati and satan’s world, when they eagerly use their hand sign, the triangle. Jehovah’s witnesses are therefore a false religion who have deceived the whole world into believing that they are the only true religion on earth. It is no wonder that Trond Jacobsen exposes Jehovah’s witnesses in lies, hypocrisy, false teachings and outright apostasy. Matthew 23:33 John 8:44, 47 John 18:23 1 Peter 3:15 Revelation 21:8