Jehovah’s witnesses still use the cross in their lamp crosses in Kingdom hall in Moss congregation in Ostfold, Norway. Trond Jacobsen (TJ) have demanded the elders to remove the lamp cross, but the elders are too arrogant and proud to do it, just like satan their God. Jehovah detests all Jehovah’s witnesses who have a proud heart. Proverbs 16:5 Watchtower Study edition January 2018, p. 28, par 5. Jehovah’s witnesses are clearly APOSTATES and IDOLATORS and are part of satan’s world, because their teachings and practices deviate from the Bible and the teachings of Christ. Malachi 3:18 Matthew 7:15, 20 John 8:44, 47 2 John 9 Revelation 21:8
Click on the photo above and see that the Endnote 15 confirms that Jehovah’s witnesses are not true Christians when they still use the cross, which is a pagan symbol. Jehovah’s witnesses arrogantly refuses to remove it.
Click on the photo and read par 4, and see that Jehovah’s witnesses is not true Christians, because they use the pagan symbol the cross.
What Bible-based mandate does the governing body and the elders have to arrogantly use the cross in Kingdom hall in Moss in Ostfold, Norway Jehovah’s witnesses publications says that the cross is a pagan tool and symbol. Why do you lie to the members and lead them astray? Jehovah does not approve that you use the cross in any form. In Jehovah’s eyes Jehovah’s witnesses governing body therefore do evil. If we blindly trust others, then we do not make our own sensible choices, but let others think and decide what to do. It is not wisdom to blindly trust others, no matter who they are. The cross. The cross is of pagan origin. Exodus 20:4, 5 Isaiah 1:16 Matthew 7:15, 20 1 Corinthians 10:14 Mark 7:6, 7 1 John 5:21 Revelation 18:4
Click on the photo and watch from 53:35. We see that Jehovah’s witnesses have fellowship with the Freemasons and honor the same cross and crown symbol. Jehovah’s witnesses still use the cross today. Shame on you jw gb.
1 Timothy 5:24 Similarly, it is wise to examine religion carefully. (Watchtower, July 2013) Acts 17:11 Matthew 7:15, 20 The Bible warns against trusting people. Psalm 146:3, 4 Isaiah 2:22 Because Jehovah’s witnesses still use the cross, they have not left Babylon the Great and are not Gods people according to Revelation 18:4
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