Jehovah’s witnesses governing body have changed the year 1914 to “About 1914 C.E.” I do not see that the governing body write anything about this in its publications. This creates doubt about Jehovah’s witnesses credibility and the accuracy of the year 1914 C.E. See Appendix B1 in jw bible. Contact Jehovah’s witnesses if you wish to order a hard copy of Jehovah’s witnesses latest bible edition. If any of the readers know more about this, I would be grateful if you could send me an update to

Where in the book of Daniel chapter 4 in the article in this link does it says that the prophecy about Nebuchadnezzar also has a second fulfillment or a greater fulfillment that lead to the year 1914 C.E.? According to Jehovah’s witnesses publications, Nebuchadnezzar ruled as king for 43 years (624-582 BC) and within this period the “seven times” fell, when he “ate plants like the oxen”. (it-2, page 430, Nebuchadnezzar), Daniel 4:31-33 The seven times in Daniel 4:32 are seven years. The chapter says that it hit King Nebuchadnezzar, not a future king and not 1914. Deuteronomy 18:20-22 John 8:47 John 18:23 2 John 9 Acts 17:11 Job 12:11 I thought Jehovah’s witnesses were too smart to blindly trust others. In order for Jehovah’s witnesses to be able to adhere Bible teachings, they must learn to think and scrutinize for themselves. They do not understand that it is dangerous to blindly trust others. Daniel 4:28, 33 Watchtower Study edition 2021 November 15, page 10, par 14.
Jehovah’s witnesses are exposed in lies, hypocrisy, false teaching and outright apostasy. Jehovah’s witnesses are afraid of the truth about themselves and are probably the most fragile belief system on earth, when it cannot stand questions or being scrutinized.
Jehovah’s witnesses members should immediately write letters to your branch office and the governing body and demand a written Bible-based explanation of why they have changed the year 1914 C.E. to About 1914 C.E. Where in Daniel, chapter 4, does it says that chapter 4 also has a future fulfillment that points to the year 1914 C.E, when Daniel 4:28, 33 tell us that chapter 4 was fulfilled on Nebuchadnezzar. 1 Peter 3:15
Contact Jehovah’s witnesses.