Jehovah’s witnesses earth’s most fragile belief system. The governing body and the elders show by their lies, hypocrisy, false teachings and outright apostasy that they have satan as their God and father. John 8:44, 47 Jehovah’s witnesses governing body and the elders reject all criticism and never say sorry and never admit guilt (5:40 – 6:27). They silence and exclude members who question their belief system and the teachings from the governing body. Jehovah’s witnesses willingly lies in court cases. The governing body forbids members to read about jw on other places than, because they are afraid of the truth about themselves.
Jehovah’s witnesses governing body and you elders. Think about this carefully: None of you experience what you are putting other people through.
Trond Jacobsen (TJ) in Norway question the teachings of the governing body and their spiritual qualifications. The governing body is afraid of what is written on because they know that (TJ) exposes Jehovah’s witnesses in lies, hypocrisy, false teachings and outright apostasy. Jehovah’s witnesses are exposed to be a false religion.
NO GOVERNING BODY Acts 15:2 Acts 16:4 does not speak of a governing body. Jehovah warns all members of the governing body and all elders when you ‘go beyond what is written’ in the Bible. Proverbs 30:6 1 Corinthians 4:6 Jehovah’s witnesses governing body’s doctrine of a first-century governing body, finds no support in Gods Word the Bible, and has no role in Jehovah’s organization. 1 Corinthians 10:21 The governing body are exposed in lies, hypocrisy and false teachings and confirms that they have satan as their God and Father. John 8:44 Revelation 21:8 The spiritual qualifications of Jehovah’s witnesses governing body and the elders are being questioned. Watchtower study edition February 2022, page 4, par 8. The truth is that the bible does not mention a governing body in the first-century (par 8). Understand headship in the congregation. Scroll to: The role of the governing body?
The term: – governing body is not found in the Bible but are something Jehovah’s witnesses have invented themselves and are therefore commands of men. They use Acts 15:2 as support for their so-called governing body term, but Acts 15:2 does not speak about any governing body, but the apostles and elders in Jerusalem. Jehovah’s witnesses governing body twist this verse and demand its members to believe that it is talking about a governing body. The governing body tells this lie until everyone believes it, so it becomes a truth. This shows that Jehovah’s witnesses allow themselves to be fooled, because they would rather hear what itches in their ears, so it does not require anything from them. Jehovah’s witnesses do not stand the truth about themselves. 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 12 2 Timothy 4:3, 4 James 3:1 Acts 17:11
BREAKING NEWS. Watchtower Study Edition February 2017: – Who is Leading God’s People Today? par 12, 13 on page 26. 12 The “governing body” is neither inspired nor infallible. Therefore, the “governing body” can err in doctrinal matters or in organizational direction. This is a lie, because the source of Jehovah’s witnesses’ teachings is said to be Divine and perfect. 13 Evidence of holy spirit. This is a lie, because the expression “governing body” does not appear in the Bible. Comment: The “governing body” accuses Jehovah, Jesus Christ, and the holy spirit of lying when they say what is stated in the article. Jehovah’s witnesses “governing body” shows that they are not led by Jehovah when they constantly err in doctrinal matters and have to replace previous “truths” with new “truths” that both turn out to be lies. Jehovah’s witnesses so-called “governing body” are not led by Jehovah, Jesus Christ, or the holy spirit. Therefore, the spiritual qualifications of Jehovah’s witnesses are questioned. An example of the false teachings of Jehovah’s witnesses is their teaching about the 1914 generation, which is not found in God’s Word, the Bible. Job 12:11 Matthew 23:33 John 8:44, 47 1 Corinthians 4:6 Acts 17:11 2 John 9 Revelation 21:8
If we blindly trust others, then we do not make our own sensible choices, but let others think and decide what to do. It is not wisdom to blindly trust others, no matter who they are. 2022 Update # 7. (15:55 – 16:10) What is the governing body of Jehovah’s witnesses?
Jehovah’s witnesses governing body are not a faithful and discreet slave, does not speak for God and are not anointed, not united with God or Jesus Christ. Proverbs 6:16-19 Matthew 24:45-47 John 8:44, 47 1 Corinthians 10:21 2 John 9 Revelation 21:8
ANNOUNCEMENT! Wednesday, February 22, 2023, jw headquarters informed that Brother Anthony Morris no longer serves as a member of Jehovah’s witnesses governing body. Anthony Morris and his wife appear to have moved to Lumberton North Carolina, USA.

FACT CHECK the teachings of Jehovah’s witnesses governing body. (2:30 – 2:45)

Click on the photo above and see the short video about Jehovah’s witnesses fact-checking different sources before they publish.
You should also read different sources and fact-check the teachings of Jehovah’s witness governing body. How can Jehovah’s witnesses love and respect the truth, when they are often exposed in lies, hypocrisy, false teachings and outright apostasy? It is therefore right to examine the teachings from Jehovah’s witnesses governing body. Acts 17:11 John 18:23 1 Peter 3:15 Why question religion? on (par 2).