“Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom

Jehovah’s witnesses governing body do not base their teachings on “many convincing proofs”, as they claim in chapter 2, par 6 in the book: – “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom

Read the letter below or in this pdf file.

Jehovah’s witnesses
1020 Red Mills Road

The book: “Bearing Thorough Witness” About God’s Kingdom

Begging invention – money by resolutions

Chapter 2, page 15, par 6. The governing body does not base its teaching of an overlapping 1914 generation on any solid evidence that it is a biblical teaching. It has been exposed as a lie, hypocrisy, false teaching and commandments of men. Matthew 24:34 and shows that Jehovah’s witnesses governing body is not led by God and is not united with God. John 8:47 2 John 9 John 8:44 Revelation 21:8 https://www.jwpsa.com/1914-generasjonen/

Chapter 4, page 35, paragraph 20 contains a lie. What is the motive of the governing body, when they order the members to pay money by resolutions? The governing body uses negative peer pressure, when they order us members to pay money by resolutions. This beggarly invention does not come from Jehovah.

In our opinion, money collected by the various begging schemes in the name of the Lord is repugnant and unacceptable to Him. And they do not lead to the Lord’s blessing, neither for the giver nor for the work being done.”

In this link you can read the truth about contributions among Jehovah’s witnesses, since the governing body started ordering us to pay money via resolutions . We see that contributions by resolutions are a beggar’s invention that Jehovah’s witnesses must perceive as repulsive and unacceptable. The governing body’s beggar invention of raising money by resolutions is not a biblical teaching and does not come from Jehovah, but is the commandment of men. Haggai. 2:7-9 Jehovah’s people at the governing body are so absolutely begging for money, when they order its members to pay money by resolutions.

Follow the instructions
On Saturday 8 December 2018 in the Kingdom Hall in Moss in Norway, Terje Brenden, Stein Paterson and Knut Leikanger told me that all guidance also applies to all elders. It has been exposed as a lies. Joh 8:44 Revelation 21:8 It is required that the governing body immediately stop demanding that the members pay money by resolutions and go back to voluntary contributions, as the guidance says in chapter 4 of the mentioned book.

I have on several occasions referred to the website jwpsa.com, which exposes Jehovah’s witnesses in lies, hypocrisy and false teachings. Read some of it in the links below.

Jehovah’s witnesses use symbols and signs that show that they are part of satan’s world.

Secrecy in Jehovah’s witnesses

Jehovah’s witnesses practice secrecy and show that they are not God’s people and not true Christians. See section 8 from the top in this link: – https://wol.jw.org/en/wol/d/r1/lp-e/1997401

Reminder to the governing body and the elders
When you elders constantly deny my letters and emails and refuse to give me bible based written answers, you confirm what I write is true. When I expose the governing body and you elders in lies, hypocrisy and false teaching, I have no confidence in you. The spiritual qualifications of you elders are being questioned.

You must give me a written bible-based answer to this letter that you send to my postal address by Friday 10 May 2024.

If you elders or anybody else mean that any of what I have written in this letter is wrong, beat witness about the wrong. John 18:23

Attachment pdf
Reminders March 2014, August 2021, August 2023.

Contact Jehovah’s witnesses.

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